Hello Easy AR.
It little bit difficulties to setup the server for CRS and image target from there. I am receiving errors and its not allowing me to go ahead. Can you please help and supply me the sample for nodejs project with addImage. I followed the github but its not updated document with 4.0
We are waiting for you and we are going to purchase after succefully testing with large amount of user. Hope you check and let us know .
serverError: false,
error: Error: cannot POST /targets/ (404)
at Response.toError (E:\UnityProject\EasyAR_RND\nodejs-sdk-master\place_ground_demo\public\node_modules\superagent\lib\node\response.js:106:13)
at Response.setStatusProperties (E:\UnityProject\EasyAR_RND\nodejs-sdk-master\place_ground_demo\public\node_modules\superagent\lib\node\response.js:183:12)
at new Response (E:\UnityProject\EasyAR_RND\nodejs-sdk-master\place_ground_demo\public\node_modules\superagent\lib\node\response.js:42:8)
at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (E:\UnityProject\EasyAR_RND\nodejs-sdk-master\place_ground_demo\public\node_modules\superagent\lib\node\index.js:918:22)
at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:327:22)
at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1220:12)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:84:21) {
status: 404,
text: '<!DOCTYPE html>\n' +
'<html lang="en">\n' +
'<head>\n' +
'<meta charset="utf-8">\n' +
'<title>Error</title>\n' +
'</head>\n' +
'<body>\n' +
'<pre>Cannot POST /targets/</pre>\n' +
'</body>\n' +
method: 'POST',
path: '/targets/'
accepted: false,
noContent: false,
badRequest: false,
unauthorized: false,
notAcceptable: false,
forbidden: false,
notFound: true,
charset: 'utf-8',
type: 'text/html',
setEncoding: [Function: bound ],
redirects: [],
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false
status: 404