We have purchased a Easy AR sense 2.0 long back ??

0 votes
asked Aug 4, 2020 by poornimasreedhar (220 points)

We are in the process of converting the objective c project to swift using EasyARSwift.

Is the EasyARSense 3.x will be still valid to submit to App Store?

We have a transparent video that will be load on Imagetarget,Is there any EasyARVideo sample code for Swift version?

Please let us know asap.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Aug 5, 2020 by easyarts (1,320 points)
selected Aug 5, 2020 by poornimasreedhar
Best answer

Apps developed based on EasyAR Sense 3.x can be published to the app store.

There is not the Swift version of HelloARVideo sample, but the sample of HelloARSwift(ios) may be give you some help.
commented Aug 5, 2020 by poornimasreedhar (220 points)
easyARSwift sample 3.x is crashing in intialisation only.Please help on the swift sample for 3.x
commented Aug 10, 2020 by easyarts (1,320 points)

3.0 or 3.1?  What information is returned?
commented Aug 12, 2020 by zhangpengar (3,060 points)
There is a known bug in Swift binding for 3.x on XCode 11.4 or later. Please refer to https://answers.easyar.com/16838/easyarswift-initiliaze-exc_bad_access-easyar_engine_initilize
You can update to EasyARSense 4.1 or stay at XCode 11.3.
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