The first problem is that the second parameter of the method copyTo(), is supposed to be zero. I found this information in the Buffer Class Documentation:
The second problem is that the buffer byte is on the YUV_NV21 image format. You can verify that using:
Frame frame = streamer.peek();
Log.i(TAG, "FORMAT: " + frame.images().get(0).format() );
format() returns an int, where 2 means YUV_NV21 image format. You can verify all the formats on the Image Class Documentation:
To convert the YUV_NV21 to an RGB image I used my solution that is explained on StackOverflow:
So the code that converts the Frame from the EasyAR streamer to a Bitmap is this:
Bitmap getBitmapFromFrameStreamer(cn.easyar.Frame frame) {
Bitmap frame_bm = null;
if (frame.images().size()>0) {
int size = frame.images().get(0).buffer().size();
int width = frame.images().get(0).width();
int height = frame.images().get(0).height();
int format = frame.images().get(0).format();
if (size>0) {
byte[] bytes = new byte[size];
frame.images().get(0).buffer().copyTo(bytes, 0);
// 2 == YUV_NV21
if (format==2) {
int[] pixels = convertYUV420_NV21toRGB8888(bytes, width, height);
frame_bm = Bitmap.createBitmap(pixels, width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
if (frame_bm!=null)
Log.i(TAG, "frame bm: " + frame_bm.getWidth() + "x" + frame_bm.getHeight());
return frame_bm;
To use this method:
Frame frame = streamer.peek();
Bitmap frame_bm = getBitmapFromStreamer(frame);
The method convertYUV420_NV21toRGB8888() can be found on the StackOverflow linked before.
This code was added to the from the HelloARVideo Android sample.