Why not run the EasyarVideo on the iphone 5 but this run on iphone 6s (real device) ?

0 votes
asked Jan 25, 2020 by zabih2420 (160 points)

I use the Easyar 3.x for iOS and open the 'HelloARVideo' sample, then the sample correctly run on the iPhone 6s  but when running on the iPhone 5 and then press the 'start' button not open the camera screen


platform Initialization success

Initialization Failed 

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jan 25, 2020 by kenn (18,870 points)
From EasyAR Sense 3, we have dropped armv7 support of iOS. Please reference https://help.easyar.com/EasyAR%20Sense/v4/GettingStarted/Platform-Requirements.html for device support.

Do you have any reason to use AR on this very old device in commercial condition?
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