AR photos App

0 votes
asked Jan 21, 2020 by maks4725 (120 points)

Hi. I wrote the question  on the form there but after I pushed the button Send there was an error!
I Have simple question! I need my photobook with the application on smartphone where the camera  reads the marker (photo faces) and the video starts to demonstrate.
I need the guideline for that. Is it possible? Please answer and set me a resolve for that my request. I need only that! No any 3D integration and others.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 21, 2020 by bigbaak (720 points)

Please, read this tutorial:

0 votes
answered Jan 23, 2020 by kenn (18,870 points)
If you do not need any 3D integration, you can reference HelloARVideo sample (Android/iOS).

But strictly speaking, that sample still have a little code about 3D (raw OpenGL). The process video cover and moving along with the whole marker is theoretically a 3D process.

In case you need just a trigger (play video but not track the image, full screen play for example), you can remove the 3D part of the sample and it will still work, and use a native video player (instead of draw video frame using OpenGL) would be a better choice.
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