Crash after starting in Unity Editor on Mac

0 votes
asked Dec 6, 2019 by daniilarvar (120 points)
Hello! I have a problem with EasyAR Basic 3.0.1 Unity on MacOS.

When I pressing "play" in Unity Editor, even in Samples (like HelloAR_ImageTarget) Unity crash. When I build the app and launch it on Android or on iPhone, all works fine.

How to solve the problem?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 23, 2019 by sercan (140 points)
Hello there,

I was facing the same issue. It has to do with the privacy settings of the built-in cam of the mac.
The Unity version you're using is in the Applications folder on your mac. So delete Unity Hub and start Unity from the Applications folder. In that way Unity asks you to grant access for the camera, which should accepted.

Once the access for the camera is granted, you can install Unity Hub again and start your project without having a crash.
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