How to keep 3d object from disappearing after image rec?

+2 votes
asked Nov 14, 2019 by saltypdx (140 points)
My application is as basic as you can get.

Once my app finds an image rec target, a 3d object is placed where I want. This is working correctly.

But when I look away, the object disappears. I want the object to stay put and not disappear when I look away from the image rec target.

Any advice?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 7, 2020 by intellify (260 points)

Very Easy !! , which version of sdk did you used ? if < 3.1 

Create ApplicationController.cs

with following methods , 

public void TargetFound(){ }

public void TargetLost(){ }

In ImageTargetController.cs you will get method OnLost() , OnFound() ,

just comment out code and call your own method from there , and do whatever you want to do !!! 

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