Is extended tracking available now?

+1 vote
asked Sep 19, 2019 by nolkeg (150 points)
I have read some threads about extened tracking where object persist in its position even when marker is lost is not available.
But those were some old version of easy ar.
Since it's version 3.0 now, is this functionality available ?

If not, what is the alternative? Can I anchor it to pose(like unity ARFoundation?)

Is there any way to calculate offset that the object need to move to retain its position when the marker is lost?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 23, 2019 by zhnagjian (11,130 points)

EasyAR SDK doesn't support extend tracking, but you can run the sample of surfacetracking and it may meet your need.

Best wishes!
commented Oct 5, 2019 by tchqwork (240 points)
Are there any plans to intergrate this functions?
Unfortunatelly, surface tracking example move a lot from it's initial position while I move phone. So with a little of time model is away from picture on table.
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