My EasyAR CRS demo not working on almost device.

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asked Aug 19, 2019 by jalajshah (230 points)
Hello, I had created a demo using Unity 2018.4 and EasyAR 3.01 CRS example,

demo perfectly run on my UnityEditor as expected detect image from the cloud and display metadata,

but in Android device, I had test 4 device all are 7.0+ but only work in one device not working in another device

same as I had tested in IOS and the same problem that works in IphoneXr but not working in iPhone 7plus.

I know my code is perfect but still not working in android and iPhone devices, anyone has a solution or suggestion most welcome.

Even EasyAR Sample Not running on the same devices, I am Surprised !!!!! i had try on native as well as Unity same issue in android native and ios native

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