[SOLVED] EasyAR 3.0.1 tracking event not working in Unity!

+1 vote
asked Aug 16, 2019 by vinigamedev (130 points)
edited Aug 16, 2019 by vinigamedev
Could anyone please help me? I have been using EasyAR for quite a long time, but now that I implemented the 3.0.1 version, it simply doesn't call the tracking, NO debug message is shown from ImageTargetController script even in the sample scenes. What is missing?

Besides that, this error comes out right after I stop playing in the Editor. I am using Unity 2019.2

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
easyar.ImageTracker.unloadTarget (easyar.Target target, easyar.CallbackScheduler callbackScheduler, System.Action`2[T1,T2] callback) (at Assets/EasyAR/Scripts/csapi.cs:4683)
easyar.ImageTrackerBehaviour.UnloadImageTarget (ImageTargetController controller, System.Action`2[T1,T2] callback) (at Assets/EasyAR/Scripts/ImageTrackerBehaviour.cs:204)
ImageTargetController.OnDestroy () (at Assets/EasyAR/Scripts/ImageTargetController.cs:239)

UPDATE: I manage to solve the problem. It was the WWW www in line 103 in the ImageTargetController. As suggested by Unity, I changed WWW to UnityWebRequest, and despite the absence of alerts, it couldn't find the StreamAssets folder.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 2, 2019 by icurtis (170 points)
I am having the same problem and can not figure out how to fix it! :(
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