EasyAR3.0 - Object appear during init

0 votes
asked Jul 31, 2019 by jiayin (540 points)
My object will pre-appear when launch the camera without scanning target image. May I know how to disable it?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 31, 2019 by adenio (1,250 points)
selected Aug 1, 2019 by jiayin
Best answer

Hi, as  zhangpengar said answering a question for me:
"The ImageTargetController change is to fix a bug that objects is visible between application start and target load finishing."
So I believe that if you upgrade to 3.01, it will work correctly..

0 votes
answered Jul 31, 2019 by juvelez (910 points)
A Simple workaround for this on 3.0.0 is to move the main camera away so it can't view any object.
commented Aug 1, 2019 by juvelez (910 points)
Of course if you upgrade to 3.0.1 the issue is solved
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