Best way to turn off on camera when running Unity EasyAr 3

0 votes
asked Jul 23, 2019 by devilkestria (140 points)

i trying to turn off and on camera in one scene using open camera method in ARSession script.

It works for camera turn off and on (flash light is on laptop), But the new problem is when i trying to turn camera off and on  more than second time, the target object is not working

When using EasyAr 2.3 i using this for camera off and on and its works


but in EasyAr 3 cant find it

1 Answer

–1 vote
answered Jul 23, 2019 by devilkestria (140 points)
actually i found it now. u must add StartTracker method from ImageTrackerBehavior class after u turn on camera.
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