[EasyAR] open camera failed

+1 vote
asked Jul 12, 2019 by adrielom (190 points)
I just upgraded to the 3.0 version and the camera won't start. All the initialization setup is all right, the permissions are too. I just get a black screen.

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 13, 2019 by zhangpengar (3,060 points)
If you are referring to camera on Windows, could you run the diagnostic program and see what happens?
If it runs normally, a camera view will be shown. If there is any error, a dialog box will be shown with error code and error message. You can copy the message by activating the dialog box and press Ctrl+C.
commented Jul 15, 2019 by wjrivera (800 points)
Cannot create a video capture device (hr=0xC00D36B9)
Unknown error 0xC00D36B9

I get this error on windows 7
commented Jul 15, 2019 by zhangpengar (3,060 points)
We have confirmed a compatibility issue with this problem and will release a patch version recently. Different Windows versions and/or driver versions may be related to this problem. For detail, please refer to https://answers.easyar.com/15341/easy-ar-3-0-unity-doesnt-work-on-android-nor-on-windows
commented Jul 22, 2019 by drcaos (120 points)
Hi, any news on this issue?
commented Jul 22, 2019 by zhangpengar (3,060 points)
If things goes well, we will release the patch version at June 26.
+1 vote
answered Jul 14, 2019 by zhangpengar (3,060 points)
What's your Windows version if you are on a Windows? Is it Windows 7?
commented Jul 15, 2019 by adrielom (190 points)
I get 'Cannot create a video capture device (hr=0xC00D36B9)
Unknown error 0xC00D36B9'

I'm on a Windows 10 Version 1809
commented Jul 22, 2019 by drcaos (120 points)
Windows 8.1

Cannot create a video capture device (hr=0xC00D36B9)
Impossibile completare la catena di oggetti di flusso richiesta perché un oggetto ha esaurito i tipi di dati multimediali da suggerire.

-> An object ran out of media types to suggest therefore the requested chain of streaming objects cannot be completed.
commented Jul 22, 2019 by drcaos (120 points)
Windows 8.1

Cannot create a video capture device (hr=0xC00D36B9)
Impossibile completare la catena di oggetti di flusso richiesta perché un oggetto ha esaurito i tipi di dati multimediali da suggerire.

An object ran out of media types to suggest therefore the requested chain of streaming objects cannot be completed.

Same error on Windows 10
commented Jul 22, 2019 by zhangpengar (3,060 points)
I think it's the same problem caused by the lack of support for YUY2 pixel format.
0 votes
answered Jul 16, 2019 by easyartest2019 (170 points)
Usb Camera and notebook camera both with error : Camera failed

Windows 10.
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