Does EasyAR 3.0 validation done locally?

0 votes
asked Jul 12, 2019 by ngc6543 (1,670 points)

About a year ago the EasyAR validation server had some issue and every app that uses EasyAR were affected(validation failure). At that time you said that for future release of EasyAR SDK, the validation process will be done locally on the device rather than through the external server.

I've noticed that EasyAR 3 runs fine on a device that's disconnected from network. But there is no mention regarding this in the release note so, can you confirm that the validation process is done locally?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 12, 2019 by kenn (18,750 points)
selected Jul 12, 2019 by ngc6543
Best answer
Sorry but I cannot recall any mention of "validation will be done locally on device" officially.

Previous SDK validation issue has been fixed already, which does not require a local only key validation mechanism.

EasyAR SDK 3 still use online validation regardless of what is done locally.
commented Jul 12, 2019 by ngc6543 (1,670 points)
Ok, I’e looked up the comment again and I’ve misinterpreted it. Thanks for the confirmation.
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