Android app bundle issues

+2 votes
asked Jul 2, 2019 by danidiazr (380 points)

I'm about to publish an app and I'm having some problems.

Google Play requests developers to build not an APK file, build an android app bundle (aab) file to publish.

When building to aab I'm having a lot of errors in log with msg like this:

"D:\Unity\TattooApp\Temp\StagingArea\Il2Cpp\il2cppOutput/EasyAR.Unity.cpp:27223: error: undefined reference to 'ezarRegisterLogFunc"

Any idea of how to repair that?


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 4, 2019 by zhnagjian (11,130 points)
What sample  do you run, I will test it.
commented Jul 5, 2019 by danidiazr (380 points)

I was reading about it and the problem is that EasyAR does not support IL2CPP building for Android. Google play now requires to build for 64 bits and with android app bundle.

Devs says that EasyAR 3 will support it and that it's gonna be released this week. Do you know something? I really need it.

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