The scanner does not give me exact matches of target image,if similar images upload with minor changes into the image.

+1 vote
asked Jun 20, 2019 by rahulchurhe2 (180 points)
I have uploaded the same target image with minor changes like an appled color filter or some sticker on the same image. But when I have scanned the same target image, the scanner returns me list bunch of similar image.

I have needed only a scan image metadata not a bunch of similar images. In short exact scan result of the target image.

Please let me know if you have any solutions on this problem.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 28, 2019 by ngc6543 (1,670 points)
I think it's not possible and probably you're not using the SDK as intended.

The SDK still tracks a marker even if some parts of the marker are occluded by obstacles. In your use case, those slight changes in images are regarded as 'local occlusions' to the SDK, and it won't know which one is 'original'.

You should use distinctly different images.
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