Black screen on Android in Unity2019.1

0 votes
asked Jun 18, 2019 by faustofonseca (120 points)

I tried EasyAR today with my phone (Android) and the app is all black. It worked very very well on my Mac with it's webcam. I built with OpenGL ES 2.0.

Is it related with the version of Unity? Tonight I intend on trying with Unity 2018.3, but wanted to get ahead and try to see other options.

Thank you!

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 19, 2019 by zhnagjian (11,130 points)

What is the result of your test?
commented Jun 19, 2019 by faustofonseca (120 points)
So, I downgraded the project to 2018.3.9 and it's working! So, for now I'll just use that.
Thanks for the reply!
0 votes
answered Jun 19, 2019 by zhnagjian (11,130 points)
Are there some specific error messages?
commented Jun 19, 2019 by faustofonseca (120 points)
At the time I only saw a message of not being able to set resolution (in Android Logcat) but I didn't go deeper than that. I just started trying other versions of Unity and now it's working. I still might start trying other things with Unity 2019.1 to try and understand what is the issue.

Thank you for the questions. Other than this problem EasyVR works great! I'm finding it amazing until now.
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