How do I create an overley in Unity

0 votes
asked May 5, 2018 by joostvanpoppel (160 points)
Hi everyone,

So I got EasyAR running and I'm very happy to be experimenting with this tool. Very cool!

My question; can someone tell me how to create an overlay in a unity application? For example; can I somehow create a button on top of the camera display? And how do I do that?

Thanks in advance,


2 Answers

0 votes
answered May 6, 2018 by albert52 (31,850 points)
It is easy to implement this function. You can do this using the NGUI.
+1 vote
answered May 9, 2018 by tagarid2 (160 points)
Create a canvas from the hierarchy in your unity scene[Create->UI->Canvas]. Right click on the canvas and add a button within the canvas[UI->Button], set the canvas render mode to overlay(can be found on the inspector Menu). For more information on how to use buttons in Unity3D, i recommend going through extensive documentation available on Unity3D's forums for the same.
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