Is it possible to set a world anchor at the image target location?

0 votes
asked Apr 29, 2018 by renaud (340 points)

As an addition to "", I was wondering whether it was possible to set a world anchor at the image target position then to stop the tracking.

Thanks in advance for any answer!

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 2, 2018 by albert52 (31,850 points)

Can you describe your problem in more detail? Or what are your needs?

commented May 14, 2018 by renaud (340 points)
The tracking provkes a flickering of the 3D objects. Each time the tracked image is found, the 3D scene is slightly adjusted resulting in a not very smooth display. I've tried the code you provided to smooth the movements but it is still not stable enough.
My need is: once the tracked image has been found, I want to stop tracking while keeping the objects at the same position. If I move my device, I want to see the object bigger or under another angle...
commented May 16, 2018 by albert52 (31,850 points)
It would be easier to use SLAM.(EasyAR SDK Pro)
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