How to move AR targets in the Unity world space according to the movement in the real world?

0 votes
asked Apr 22, 2018 by nesh108 (130 points)

I noticed that when I move my AR targets in Unity, they stay still while the webcam stream moves around them. That's neat but it doesn't allow me to make them actually move in a 3D scene.

How can I do that?

My goal would be to use a marker as the "origin" (always 0,0,0) and move the other markers in relation to its position. Is it possible?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 23, 2018 by albert52 (31,850 points)
So you want to get the location of ImageTarget relative to the screen?
commented Apr 23, 2018 by nesh108 (130 points)
Yeah, is it possible? So that I can convert it to world space and use it right inside the game.

The idea would be use the AR markers as input for the characters game, I don't really care to show the reality.
commented Apr 30, 2018 by nesh108 (130 points)
So? How can I do it?
commented May 14, 2018 by nesh108 (130 points)
Hey @albert52, any solution? mmmm...
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