Loading video using CRS

0 votes
asked Mar 19, 2018 by tagarid1 (220 points)
I am trying to use the sample HelloCloud to load a video which is given as a URL in the meta tag of the target, but only the default EasyAR sample 3Dbox is being rendered instead of the meta's content.

The size of the video is lesser than 2MB and I am working on Unity3D, I've tried adding a HelloARVideo script to the camera object along with a render camera.

1 Answer

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answered Mar 20, 2018 by albert52 (31,850 points)
First of all, the sample function of HelloARCloud is to display the cube. If you want to display the video, you need to rewrite the code to load it. HelloARVideo is different from the two samples of HelloARCloud. One is to load the video through local, and the other is to load the video through CRS meta.
commented Mar 20, 2018 by tagarid1 (220 points)
edited Mar 20, 2018 by tagarid1
Yeah i realised that, I removed the part where the cube is instantiated and replaced it with the video part, and decoded the base 64 string of meta into the base URL and tried to play it. Could you give me a small sample or link to a sample where you could recognise and play the video in teh form of a URL in a target's meta tag?

I made the following changes in cloudBehaviour:-

 URL = imageTarget.MetaData;
                decodedBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(URL);
                decodedText = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decodedBytes);
Load Video is from the HelloARVideo Example, in theory this should work, but all that happens is that once a recognizable object is detected, the app just freezes.
commented May 6, 2018 by arvrturu (140 points)
have you solve it ? I 'm dealing with it  also. I guess  we need to create the scene via code when the redo trigger. I'm not sure but we need to create a plane and integrate a video script  on that plane. Sizing and optimizing is an another issue .
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