How I can track 3d model with WebAR ?

0 votes
asked Mar 17, 2019 by narinder (120 points)
Hi, I am trying to develop WebAR application and successfully able to implement image recognition, adding 3d model and playing video. But visual content not tracking or not getting pose with image marker, just adding and displaying, So can you please give me any hint?

Thanks in advance.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 17, 2019 by zhnagjian (11,130 points)

EasyAR WebAR does not have integrated tracking for the time being,the content you mentioned you can achieve by develop app using EasyAR SDK.

Best wishes!
commented Mar 18, 2019 by narinder (120 points)
OK Thanks for reply, But can I export it for Web ? I used EasyAR SDK for developing Android and for Windows.

But I wonder if it's possible to implement tracking with Easy AR sdk for web ?
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