closed EasyAR update 2.2.0 RealityPlane MeshFilter Bug - Unity

0 votes
asked Mar 7, 2018 by qcode-linus (330 points)
closed Mar 7, 2018 by qcode-linus


I´m working with the new EasyAR update 2.2.0 in Unity 2017.3.0f3 with the EasyAR Basic SDK.

After the update my RealityPlane throw an error with:

Console Error Image:

The inspector of the RealityPlane is set on default:

Thank a lot for supporting!

Edit: if i try to add a MeshFilter as Cube,Sphere, etc. is the error "Fail to initialize EasyAR!" :D

closed with the note: Solved

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 7, 2018 by qcode-linus (330 points)

Problem 1: duplication of the EasyARBehaviour Script OR

Problem 2: duplication of the EasyAR Object
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