EasyAR not working on android with image target path: /Storage/emulated/0/Android/Data/.../files/L1.jpg

0 votes
asked Mar 8, 2019 by 3dvietpro (120 points)
Hi everyone,

I have a problem like this:

I am making an application to display the 3D model according to the image using unity.

I have set the  image target path located in the device's directory (not unity StreamingAsset folder) , and the unity editor can run, but when i compiling Apk file to run on android device (image target path: /Storage/emulated/0/Android/Data/.../files/L1.jpg) and looking at the image, but does not display the 3D model on image.

I try many ways but it can't be.

Can you help me?

Thanks you.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 10, 2019 by zhnagjian (11,130 points)

You can refer to the link https://forum.easyar.com/portal.php?mod=view&aid=11

I hope it will bring some helps for you.

Best wishes!
commented Mar 11, 2019 by 3dvietpro (120 points)
If I run the way you give, then it is fine.

The problem here, the image target path to display the model is not in the StreamingAsset folder of the project, I made the download from the server to android device and attached  image url to Image target Path properties (the physical path on the device)

Do you have any demos that follow the idea above?
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