EasyAR 2.3 - Black screen on iOS build on Unity 2018.3!

0 votes
asked Feb 7, 2019 by gcontrolgames (120 points)
I'm using Unity 2018.3 with a project using EasyAR 2.3.

The build on Android works fine, but a build for iOS doesn't render the camera, even though the tracking works fine. I'm using OpenGLS 2.0 API and I've filled the camera usage description on the player settings!

Please help, it's very urgent!

Thanks in advance :D

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 12, 2019 by markhurry (270 points)
I have similar problem. Unity 2018.3, EasyAR2.3 works on Android does not work on iOS. Black screen, no video.

Do I need to do some specific setup in player settings?

Do I need to uninstall 2018.3 and revert to an older version of Unity?

I have a deadline in two weeks. If there is no workaround I will have to look for a different AR package


commented Feb 12, 2019 by pixelprofundo (200 points)
Hi!, I suffered the same...use Unity version 2017.4.16f1, easyar 2.3, and Xcode 9.4.1 , if not works, install again easyar 2.3 , upload your changes now, and start to move quickly to vuforia, because on March, you can´t use xcode 9.4.1 anymore, and I don´t see that easyar will resolve a lot of problems with support (they need to release version 3.0) ... that was the only combination that works for me after 3 weeks spending a lot of  time on this.
commented Feb 13, 2019 by zhnagjian (11,130 points)

EasyAR HelloARVideo This sample does not support Unity2018 running, unity2018 video function is very perfect. Or you can choose non-2018 version。
0 votes
answered Feb 13, 2019 by zhnagjian (11,130 points)

I'm sorry that I don't reply to you in time for Spring Festival. Are you running the sample HelloARvideo? The Sample of HelloARVideo  doesn't support unity2018. You have two choice: You can choose unity2017 version or lower or use unity directly (unity2018 video playback function is already perfect).

Thank you!
commented Jul 15, 2019 by sadanbajagain (100 points)
i got same problem in unity 2019.1.9f1 with easy AR 3.0 does any one has solution?
thank you!
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